Weekly Digest (Week 11)

We hope you're having a great week. At the end of each week, we publish a blog post that serves as an update and recap of the changes and additions we've made throughout the week. In this post, we'll outline the changes and bug fixes we've made and any new features we've released. We'll also list all the new NFT collections we've added.

1,000 Collections!

This week, we hit the 1,000 supported collections milestone and used the opportunity to provide an update on everything we've been working on. If you haven't already, please read our blog post or Twitter thread (if you prefer a TLDR)

New Features

X2Y2 Support
On Wednesday, we released our integration with X2Y2 marketplace. You can read the full blog post here.

Activity Gas Fee Indicator
We added the amount spent on gas for every transaction to our Activity feed. You can read more about this on our Twitter.

Small Changes & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with activity feed skipping some events when loading
  • Improved the algorithm behind our wash trade detection

Collections Added

Twitter Threads

We post several threads analyzing different things happening in the NFT ecosystem. Here is a list of our threads from this week.

“Metaverse Starter Pack” Mint from The memes by 6529

''Coalition'' Mint from Art Blocks Presents

“Red Pilled” Mint from The memes by 6529

''Ceramics'' Mint from Art Blocks Curated

''Moon Mission'' Mint from The memes by 6529

NFT Collection Market Cap Race Chart

Wrap Up

We're constantly working to improve our website and tools, and we're always looking for ways to serve our community better. We hope you find this weekly update helpful in keeping track of the changes and additions we've made.

As always, we're open to feedback and suggestions. If there's something you'd like to see on our website or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on Discord or Twitter.

We hope you have a great weekend!