Weekly Digest (Week 7)

We hope you're having a great week. Every Friday, we publish a blog post that serves as an update and recap of the changes and additions we've made to our website throughout the week. In this post, we'll outline some of the smaller changes and bug fixes we've made, as well as any new features we've released. We'll also list all the new NFT collections we've added.

New Features

LooksRare Support
On Monday, we announced our release of LooksRare marketplace support. If you missed the announcement, read our blog post with all the details here.

WalletConnect Web3Modal
On Wednesday, we released our upgraded authentication method using Web3Modal from WalletConnect. This update adds support for all major wallet providers giving you a wider range of options.

Small Changes & Bug Fixes

  • We have added more clarity on our activity feeds for how a listing was inactivated. By hovering over the tag, you will be able to see the cause. (e.g. Transfer, disapproval, etc.)
  • We improved the general performance of our website by better optimizing all images. So everything should feel much smoother now.

Collections Added

We're constantly working to improve our website and tools, and we're always looking for ways to serve our community better. We hope you find this weekly update helpful in keeping track of the changes and additions we've made.

As always, we're open to feedback and suggestions. If there's something you'd like to see on our website or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on Discord or Twitter.

We wish you a great weekend ahead!